Ph.D (University of Alberta)
- Electricity and Magnetism
Brief bio
Dr. Jian Zhu is currently an associate professor at the School of Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Before that, he worked as an assistant professor at the National University of Singapore. He received a Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering at University of Alberta, Canada in 2008, and then worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University. His current research focuses on Intelligent Soft Robots, Bio-inspired Robots, Smart Materials and Structures.
Selected papers
*: corresponding author
1. Li, P.C., Wang, Y.Z., Gupta, U., Liu, J., Zhang, L., Du, D.H., Foo, C.C., Ouyang, J.Y. (*), and Zhu, J. (*), Transparent soft robots for effective camouflage, Advanced Functional Materials, 1901908, 2019.
2. Godaba, H., Zhang, Z., Gupta, U., Foo, C.C., Zhu, J. (*), Instabilities in dielectric elastomers: buckling, wrinkling, and crumpling, Soft Matter 15, 7137-7144, 2019. (This paper was selected as the inside front cover).
3. Qin, L., Liang, X.Q., Huang, H., Chui, C.K., Yeow, R.C.H. (*), and Zhu, J. (*), A versatile soft crawling robot with rapid locomotion, Soft Robotics 6,455-467,2019.
4. Li, L., Li, J.N., Qin, L., Cao, J.W., Kankanhalli, M.S.(*), and Zhu, J.(*), Deep reinforcement learning in soft viscoelastic actuator of dielectric elastomer, IEEE Robotics and Automation letters 4, 2094-2100, 2019.
5. Li, L., Godaba, H., Ren, H.L., and Zhu, J. (*), Bioinspired Soft Actuators for Eyeball Motions in Humanoid Robots, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 24, 100-108, 2018.
6. Gupta, U., Wang, Y.Z., Ren, H.L. (*), and Zhu, J. (*), Dynamic modeling and feedforward control of jaw movements driven by viscoelastic artificial muscles, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 24, 25-35, 2018.
7. Li, J., Godaba, H., Zhang, Z., Foo, C.C., Zhu, J. (*), A soft active origami robot, Extreme Mechanics Letters 24, 30-37, 2018. The robot was featured by Thomson Reuters
8. Cao, J.W., Qin, L., Liu, J., Ren, Q.Y., Foo, C.C., Wang, H.,Q., Lee, H.P., and Zhu, J. (*), Untethered soft robot capable of stable locomotion using soft electrostatic actuators, Extreme Mechanics Letters 21, 9-16, 2018. This robot was featured by Nature Electronics (Rich, Wood, Majidi, Untethered Soft Robotics, Nature Electronics, Vol 1, 102-112, 2018).
9. Wang, Y.Z., Zhu, J. (*), Artificial muscles for jaw movements, Extreme Mechanics Letters 6, 88-95, 2016. This paper was featured by Materials today 19, 188, 2016,
10. Kollosche, M., Kofod G., Suo, Z.G., and Zhu, J.(*), Temporal evolution and instability in a viscoelastic dielectric elastomer, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 76, 47–64, 2015.
1. Liu, M.C., Xu, Z.Y., Ong, J.J., Zhu, J., Lu, W.F., An Earthworm-Like Soft Robot with Integration of Single Pneumatic Actuator and Cellular Structures for Peristaltic Motion, IROS 2020.
2. Cao, J.W., Liang, W.Y., Ren, Q.Y., Gupta, U., Chen, F.F., Zhu, J. (*), Modelling and Control of a Novel Soft Crawling Robot based on a Dielectric Elastomer Actuator, ICRA 2018.
3. Tang, Y.C., Qin, L., Li, X.N., Chew, C.M., and Zhu, J. (*), A Frog-inspired Swimming Robot Based on Dielectric Elastomer Actuators, IROS 2017.
4. Godaba, H., Li, J.S., Wang, Y.Z., Zhu, J. (*), A soft jellyfish robot driven by a dielectric elastomer actuator, ICRA 2016. this paper was also published in IEEE Robotics and Automation letters 1, 624-631, 2016.